Our Rooms


In our Poppy room you will find our youngest children.

Babies from 0 – 2 years are cared for in their own dedicated space. No more than 12 babies at any one time create our little perfect paradise.

Here, babies learn to sit up, roll, crawl and eventually take their first few steps. Following on from the wonderful start life they will have had at home, our staff are trained to meet each baby’s individual needs and routine.

Our Poppies (and their keyworkers) love to get messy, from paint, sand and water that is on offer all the time, to jelly play, gloop and play dough – these are just a few of the sensory opportunities we plan daily. As well as this books, construction, home corner and heuristic play make up the rest of the playroom.

And when we are all tired out, there is a cosy sleep area to rest in until our batteries are re charges and we start the fun all over again!!


Just shortly after your child’s second birthday they will move to the Daisy Room, this is where the fun really begins!!

Having newly discovered walking, running and climbing there are lots of physical play opportunities in this room. The children have a large undercover outdoor area allowing them freedom to play in or out at all times.
The Daisy team love mess just as much as the Poppy’s and so creative and sensory opportunities continue to be one of the main focuses in here too.

Being 2 years old is so exciting, the Daisy children now have more words and love to sing and dance and have so much energy – from nursery rhymes to stories, train tracks to dollies, dinosaurs to painting pictures there is so much to do, the children never want to go home!!
The children in the Daisy room have the opportunity to join in Wiggle and Roll sessions at the local gymnastics club (where Kimberley is a Coach) Yoginis (Yoga for mini people) Dance & Movement Music and Singing sessions.


Meet our pre-school children, here our eldest children are busy getting “School ready”.

Enjoying all the fantastic opportunities the children downstairs have, Sand, Water, Book, Construction, Painting, Role play and Investigation areas, these children also enjoy numbers and patterns, ICT and computer work. We introduce the children to letters & sounds sessions, with an emphasis on “Jolly Phonics”.
The Sunflowers have their own delightful roof top garden, which also has an undercover area for all weather play.
These children also get to enjoy all the fabulous extra curriculum opportunities as the Daisy’s but also get to go swimming once a week too.

We love being outdoors in the Sunflower Room and so use the local park all the time, “Muddyboots” is a part of our curriculum that allows us to explore nature and the world around us, especially as we have the park right on our doorstep!!

Staff loosely follow the principles of “Forest Schools” and with our wellies, waterproofs and water bottles off we go for a fun filled adventure every time!!

All our children work towards the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The children under 3 mainly work on the PRIME AREAS of the curriculum – *Personal, Social & Emotional Development. *Communication & Language & *Physical Development.

Once the children become really secure in these areas, our skilled practitioners then introduce the SPECIFIC AREAS – *Literacy, *Mathematics *Understanding the World & *Creative Development.

If you would like to know more you can do so by visiting www.gov.uk/early-years-foundation-stage

“children must be able to enjoy learning and grow in confidence” EYFS 2014


The Bluebell room is a multipurpose room, used by different groups throughout the week. Children attending for just the free 15 hour sessions will have their 3 hours per day delivered from here. All children aged 3 – 5 are entitled to a free 15 hours per week place (the term after their 3rd birthday) as well as some 2 year olds.

Sessions are morning or afternoon 8.45am – 11.45pm or 12.15 – 3.15pm.

The room is bright and spacious, again with its own garden – all the usual provision areas can be found from painting and drawing to construction and role play.

This room is also used for Breakfast and After school club with pickup and drop offs at Whitegate End, New Moston & St Margaret Marys primary schools.

Breakfast club is from 8am – 9am and afterschool club 3.30 – 6pm
Holiday care will be available subject to demand.